Breathe New Life into Email Communications
Everyone loves email! No one likes email! Email is the King of Communications! Email is a dinosaur. If any of these declarations resonate with you, keep reading.
Email can be a communicators best friend while also worst enemy. If your organization relies on email for enterprise communications, and most do, here are a few simple ways to breathe new life into email communications.
Create a Digest: Rather than sending 15 firmwide emails, create a process for collecting information and send as a regular cadenced digest with quick, easy to follow headlines that link to more comprehensive info. Add read time" to show upfront how quickly people can scan through the email.
Measure: Are you measuring click through rates? Even if you do not have a dedicated email platform with active directory capabilities, you can use URL shorteners to measure clicks. Try different ways of presenting information to determine what method resonates best with your organization.
Add Audio or Video: Take your flat communication and bring it to life with an audio recording or video. Using simple tools, you already have like Zoom, you can make your communications more accessible to differing learning styles. And for those of us who love to multitask, giving an audio option is a welcome gift. Be sure to add chapters and links to make content super simple and digestible.
Create One Source of Truth: Emails are easily lost and buried in overflowing inboxes. When using email as an enterprise wide communications tool, it's critical that the email link to a repository of information. A searchable platform such as an intranet, ensures that team members can find the information long after the email is lost, buried or forgotten.