Trailblazing Wisdom: A Journey of Mentorship and Moxie for International Women's Day
As I sat down to pen a blog post in honor of International Women's Day, I reflected on my professional journey and the invaluable support I've received along the way. These mentors have shaped not only my career trajectory but also my leadership style and outlook on life. Here are some lessons I've learned along the way:
Embracing change is essential for growth: Just before his retirement, Ken shared this valuable lesson with me: Always be prepared to reinvent yourself. The world is constantly evolving, and so should you. This advice has provided solace, reassuring me that embracing change is essential for growth.
Lesson from: Ken Hughes, Retired Founding Partner Dixon Hughes Goodman
Diverse perspectives bring greater success: Whether assembling teams or making decisions, Matt looked for a variety of perspectives to influence outcomes. I am so grateful that his leadership taught me the power of many viewpoints in life and business.
Lesson from: Matt Snow, Chairman, FORVIS
Great leaders listen and help identify a clear path forward: From the moment I shared with Gary that I wanted to be Director of Corporate Communications, he helped me figure out how to get there, and he’s still helping me figure out a great path forward today. Thank you for always listening to me!
Lesson from: Gary Thomson, Thomson Consulting
Extend Grace: We all need a little grace every now and then. By extending grace to others, you can better extend grace to yourself.
Lesson from: Tricia, Retired FORVIS Chief People Officer
Believe in Yourself: When someone believes in you, the way Jeff Outten believed in me, it’s much easier to believe in yourself. Thank you, Jeff, for believing I could do things I didn’t even know were possible.
Lesson from: Jeff Outten, Chief Change Officer, FORVIS
Creative leadership fosters high performing teams: Infusing moments of gratitude and humor into the work environment has fostered a sense of camaraderie and resilience that make even the most challenging tasks manageable. We can have fun and be high performing all at the same time (Perhaps some of you remember the famous kickball tournament with 300 accountants?).
Lesson from: John Roberts, Chief Performance Officer, FORVIS
Be fearless in your networking: Jeff's encouragement during my early career days paved the way for countless opportunities and laid the groundwork for today’s fearless networking as I grow AGH Consulting!
Lesson from: Jeff Donohoe, Former VP Donohoe Construction
Keep it simple: There is never a reason to make something more complicated than it actually is. Even the most complex challenges can be overcome with simplified solutions.
Lesson from: Kent Satterfield, Retired Board Chair, DHG
Well-behaved women rarely make history: Sometimes, disruption is not a bad thing. Effin’s infectious laugh and brilliant spirit taught us all to breathe a little and have some fun.
Lesson from: Effin Logue, Retired CPO DHG
These are just a few of the many people who have shaped my journey. I am so grateful for all of the mentors, sponsors, and friends who impacted my career and helped make the past 25 years a rewarding adventure. On this International Women’s Day, I challenge you to be intentional about helping others and supporting women in the workplace. Cheers to diverse perspectives and a colorful career journey!
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