How Do You Eat an Elephant?
When you think of an elephant, what adjectives come to mind?
HUGE. GIGANTIC. MASSIVE. Tough. Strong. Intimidating. Complex.
Have you ever pondered how to eat an elephant? I have. I often look at change management and cultural shifts in the same way that I look at elephants! HUGE, GIGANTIC, MASSIVE, Tough, Strong, Intimidating, Complex.
Just like eating an elephant, we get started one bite at a time. Anything is possible - one bite at a time.
Here are a few communications considerations as you begin eating an elephant…or tackling major change :
What is the right cadence for communications?
Are there times when greater communication is necessary? Does the cadence crescendo?
Does the cadence create consistency and transparency into the process?
How much is enough to create a shared understanding but not too much to overwhelm your audience?
How do you level up and down to ensure audience segments receive the right depth of understanding to meet their needs?
Is there a way to segment information so those who desire greater detail have access to it, but general populations receive only the information relevant to the change at hand?
Is the pace of communications correct?
Is enough information being share? Is too much information being shared?
Is the right information being shared – by the right people – on the right channels?
What is the sentiment of the audience- what’s the pulse?