The Power of a Pause
It is no secret that our European peers have long understood the power of a pause - many taking the entire month of August off. During this time, small businesses close, families travel and business slows. No one blinks to receive an out of office that states someone will not be back for several weeks. But, here in the US, many of us, including myself, feel guilty to take time off and taking a month is completely unheard of. But there is power in a pause.
I recently took a week off with my family to rest and recharge. I am lucky enough to have an amazing team, and was able to fully unplug knowing that my team would support needs that arose while I was away. My days started with a wonderful walk by a bubbling creek, followed by mountain adventure and laughter, afternoon ice cream, leisure dinners, and the days ended with a movies past our normal bedtime.
A pause gives us the headspace to reflect, to recharge and to recenter. Perspective is priceless, and in this noisy world, quiet headspace is a necessity to maintain engagement, innovation, productivity.
As we approach Labor Day and our last hurrah for Summer, have you taken a pause? Regardless, here are a few ways to add power to your pause over the upcoming 3 day weekend:
Turn on your out of office…and BE OUT OF OFFICE!
Download a meditation app and give it a try
Create a playlist that makes you happy- listen on repeat
Try a new recipe with fresh summer fruits and vegetables
Connect with friends
Binge watch a show on your play list
Prepare your home ahead of the long weekend- laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, yard maintenance
And when you return on Tuesday, block a few hours on your calendar to plan and recenter before jumping in head first
What might you add to this list? Please share in the comments.